FWA Governing Council

Dr. S.M. Mohamed Ismail

Dr. S.M. Mohamed Ismail

Former Vice Chancellor of SEUSL & Member of Parliament (National List)
Sri Lanka (2018–2020)

Dr. S.M. Mohamed Ismail served as Member of Parliament (National List), Sri Lanka (2018 – 2020), Chairman – Sri Lanka Handicraft Board (LAKSALA) (2015 – 2018) and former Vice Chancellor of SEUSL (2009 – 2015). As a Vice Chancellor, he provided strategic direction and leadership, chaired the Council, Senate and other principal University bodies, Formulating and update Master Plan and Corporate Plan for the university. He worked closely with others to ensure a coherent vision across all the constituent parts of the University, and work with Council, Senate, the Academic Divisions and ensure that the governance, management and administration of the University are efficient and effective and Involved in securing and continuing the growth of the University’s financial base, and take a principal role in the University’s fundraising.

He served as Director – Local Technical Secretariat (IRQUE World Bank Funded Project at the South Eastern University) from 2004 to 2009.

Key Highlights:

  •  International Reviewer for High Education Project in Bangaladesh, 2016-2018
  • Head – Department of Social Sciences, South Eastern University of Sri Lanka, Oluvil, Sri Lanka, 2002-2005.
  • Head – Department of Social Sciences, South Eastern University of Sri Lanka, Oluvil, Sri Lanka, 1996-1999.
  • Coordinator, for the University of Bradford awarded and validated PG Diploma in Conflict Resolution and Peace Preparedness at South Eastern University of Sri Lanka. The PG programme runs from June 2007 until August
  • Proctor – South Eastern University of Sri Lanka, 2000-2001.
  • Director – Career Guidance, South Eastern University of Sri Lanka, Oluvil, Sri Lanka, 1998-1999 and
  • Post-Doctoral Fellow (Conflict, Peace and Development), University of Bradford, Bradford, UK,
  • D. (Finance & Credit/Economics), Kiev University of National Economy, (renamed as ‘Vadym Hetman Kyiv National Economic University’) Kiev, Ukraine, 1992.
  • Awarded Scholarship through the Ministry of Higher Education of Sri Lanka to continue my M.Sc. and Ph.D. , 1982 – 1992 in Ukraine (U.S.S.R.)
  • Awarded Common Wealth Academic Fellowship through the Common Wealth Fellowship Commission, from 01.10.2005 to31.03. 2006 at Bradford University,
  • Team Leader – Proposal Writing for Social Sciences Study Programme of South Eastern University for national competition, which was accepted and awarded 100 million Sri Lankan Rupees, by World Bank under the IRQUE
  • Awarded as ‘Universal Peace Ambassador’ through the Universal Peace Federation – USA, at the International Leadership Conference in Seoul – Korea, April 4, 2008.
  • Honorary Professorship honored by Shenyang Aero Space University- China.
  • Visiting Professor at Management and Science University, Malaysia
  • Supervisor for PhD thesis of Management and Science University of Malaysia
  • Supervisor for Master thesis writing to the student of Sri Lanka Institute of Development Administration, Colombo Sri
  • Supervisor for PhD thesis writing to the student of University of Jaffna. Sri
  • ·Research and Survey – Collaboration with Foreign Institutions:
  1. Regional Research Coordinator for Eastern Sri Lanka on “Conflict and Development in Sri Lanka” sponsored by the Royal Dutch Embassy in Sri Lanka along with “Clingendael”, the Netherlands Institute for International
  2. Regional Research Coordinator for Eastern Sri Lanka on “Dealing with Diversity Sri Lanka Discourses on Peace and Conflict” sponsored by the Royal Dutch Embassy in Sri Lanka along with “Clingendael”, the Netherlands Institute for International
  3. Regional Research Coordinator for Eastern Sri Lanka on “Dealing with Diversity Annotated Bibliography” sponsored by the Royal Dutch Embassy in Sri Lanka along with “Clingendael”, the Netherlands Institute for International
  4. Chief Researcher in Ampara District on ‘Impact of Tsunami Aid in Sri Lanka’ along with Norwegian Institute for Urban and Regional
  5. Principal Researcher for NTNU research project on Post crisis context Disaster Management, Recovery and Displacement, Recovery and
  6. Team Leader for “International Labour Organization (ILO) – Integrated Rural Accessibility Planning (IRAP) on Accessibility Action Plan Alayadivembu PS Division in Ampara District with the collaboration of UNOPS, ILO, EU and
  • National Consultant (Economist) on Undergraduate Education Project for Ministry of Tertiary Education and Training, Funded by the World Bank and Managed by Melbourne University Private, Australia in association with Resources Development Consultations Ltd, Sri
  • Consultant for National Integration Programme Unit for Eastern Province Muslim
  • National Quality Assurance Reviewer to review the Department of Commerce and Management, Sabragamuwa University of Sri Lanka in
  • National Quality Assurance Reviewer to review the Department of Social Sciences, Sabragamuwa University of Sri Lanka in
  • National Quality Assurance Reviewer to review the Department of Sociology, University of Kelania, Sri Lanka in
  • National Quality Assurance Reviewer to review the Department of Mass Communication, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka in
  • National Quality Assurance Reviewer to review the Department of Hospitality Management, Rajaratta University of Sri Lanka in
  • National Quality Assurance Reviewer to review the Department of Commerce and Management, Vavunia Campus, University of Jaffna, Sri Lanka in
  • National Quality Assurance Reviewer to review the Department of Commerce and Management, Eastern University, Sri Lanka in
  • National Quality Assurance Reviewer to review the Department of Economics, University of Peradenia, Sri Lanka in
  • National Quality Assurance Reviewer to review the Department of Islamic Studies, Eastern University, Sri Lanka in
  • National Quality Assurance Reviewer to review the Department of Economics, University of Ruhuna, Sri Lanka in
  • National Quality Assurance Reviewer to review the Department of Sociology, University of Ruhuna, Sri Lanka in
  • Resource Person for two days workshop for proposal writers, IRQUE – Quality Enhancement Fund (QEF) Batch-3 for Advanced Technological Institutes of SLIATE, Colombo,
  • Facilitator for Project Planning for JICA project on ‘Kalmunai Township redevelopment’ which JICA was implementing under recovery, rehabilitation and development project for Tsunami affected area in Ampara (North and Eastern Sri Lanka) District,
  • Coordinator Local Industries for JICA project on ‘Kalmunai Township redevelopment’ which JICA was implementing under recovery, rehabilitation and development project for Tsunami affected area in Ampara (North and Eastern Sri Lanka) District,
  • Reviewer to review the competitive proposal of Ruhunu University (Department of Social Sciences) and University of Kelaniya (Department of Journalism) for the Improving Relevance and Quality of Undergraduate Education project funded by World